The Redemption of Canaan
I've said it before and God said it to me again, "Do not worry for the things of the world," He said to me this morning.
"Do not worry for what you will see and for what you will hear," says the Lord in regard to the future of America, Israel, and the other nations connected to us. "Do not worry over what you will hear the media saying; what the politicians and leaders are saying, and even what the prophets and preachers are saying. For they see in part and prophecy in part." And I, as the maidservant of the Lord, only see in parts that seem to fill in the blanks of the parts of others.
The Lord God spoke to me this morning and told me yes, it's going to look bad - really bad. President Barak Obama must needs be - and the things of this world and the decisions he will seem to make must need be. The Lord God has said He will redeem Canaan through President Barak Obama. But it will look very bad before this is evident.
The preachers and prophets that see President Barak Obama signing against Israel in the guise of Peace are right in as much as they can see. The connections his critics try to make between the President and the Muslim nations must need be. "How can a people be moved if they feel have no connection to the one whom I (sayeth the Lord God Almighty), have chosen to move them? I will redeem Canaan and bring reconciliation to my lost and dispatched, dispised and rejected sons and daughters through President Barak Obama. Not because he is a Muslim bent on destroying America (which he is not), nor because he is working on behalf of the plans of the devil to destroy Israel (which he - Obama - is not)."
The devil has no plans - he is part of a plan that he has already lost. And the role President Barak Obama will play are on the side of good and not evil, blessings and not cursings - life and not death. But it will not seem so. Up until the very last it will not seem so. The media will report that President Barak Obama "has signed it" - and it will seem the worst fears of Christian and Jewish leaders for America and Israel have come to pass in favor of what Islam and Muslim leaders are fighting for.
"But the Holy Spirit will not be mocked and I, the Lord your God am not a man, that I should lie. What I have spoken, shall accomplish what I set it out to do, and I shall see My precious son Barak come into the fullness of My Spirit and My purpose for him, for America, for Israel and for Canaan. For I know the thoughts I have of you, thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end."
What the prophets, preachers, teachers, political leaders and media spin-doctors expect - and what they shall see, and what they shall report are not of Me, sayeth the Lord our God. "For my ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts. Lean NOT unto your own understanding!" commands the Lord our God.
When it comes to the seeming end, you will think the Lord God has forsaken America and Israel. "You will think My Word as void. Jesus, My Word and My Glory, will prevail and has prevailed. Canaan has been redeemed just as Israel has been blessed. The temple plans have been laid for its rebuilding. Isreal and all the seed of Abraham have been promised to receive vineyards they did not plant and houses they did not build. Do not suppose your partial vision and partial understanding is all of Me - if any man think He is a prophet I, the Lord your God will reveal myself to him in dreams and in visions, but I show in part and reveal in part, that you may see in part and prophecy in part. But I will not move upon the Earth without first revealing my secrets unto the hearts of man."
America has a prominent prophetic role in the history of this world's future. But many cannot see this nation written in the pages of God's word. But just as Israel is scattered and fractured, yet spoken of as a whole, so is America one, but you will find her spoken of in the pages of God's word as scattered and fractured - parts of separate wholes.
Israel is blessed and has been from the dawn of the age. America is blessed, for the prayers of her citizens were heard before the formation of the heavens and the earth. "And make no mistake," sayeth the Lord our God, "President Barak Hussein Obama is a child of God - a most precious child of God - chosen, ordained, consecrated and highly anointed for such a time as this and for this purpose and unto the utmost Glory of the Most High God! Do not mess with Mine anointed! For My Kingdom is come. My will is done, on Earth, just as it is in Heaven."
Let all who have an ear to hear, let them hear. Amen.
Power, Love & Peace - ya'll
~Min. Deidre Campbell-Jones