Canaan Redeemed - Part II
My littlest, newest cousin - now just 6 months old - is named "Cainen". But his father calls him Cain. When I first heart it I asked him to spell it. Immediately I said, well, I'm calling him "Cainen!" And that was before I'd met him.
Oh, then when I saw the little precious guy I knew right away. His big baby eyes were already "new-life-bright," but when he looked at me and our eyes locked, his grew even bigger - as if in recognition. Yep, if it hadn't have happened every time he looked at me I wouldn't have even said it was so. But indeed, his eyes and face would light up and he would grin with recognition.
I know baby Cainen recognized the light of the Lord and the Glory of God in me.
And when I saw him the first time, I recognized something in him also and I inadvertently pronounced a prophecy (that I didn't know was a prophecy), over his life and future.
As I grabbed his chunky little baby body into my arms and stared into his beautiful, bright eyes of recognition, I suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, look at you! You will be the one to bring redemption to Canaan!"
That was 3 weeks ago. And to be perfectly honest, I had forgotten all about the words of the Lord that I wrote down below until only just today. And most certainly if I had remembered the word of the Lord regarding President Barak Obama, I definitely did not remember that I'd entitled the blog "The redemption of Canaan!"
But upon reading it today - I write this new post as a part II that is entirely unrelated to the words in the first part.
In the book of Genesis, when Noah's son Ham sees his drunken nakedness and tells his brothers, Noah awakes and curses, not Ham, but his son Canaan. Noah's grandson's name was Canaan. And Noah was saying that the people - the descendants born from Canaan would serve his brother's people all their days. From Canaan came the Amalekites, and Hitites and all the other "ites" that the Hebrews had to purge from Canaan - the promised land - before they became Israelites.
Cainen is of mixed decent - African American and White/Spanish. And as we all thoroughly know, President Obama is African and White. While I believe that God's word to me about President Obama is that he will be instrumental in the redemption of Canaan in the nation, land and political/prophetic importance that it has in it's current existence today; little Cainen will grow to be a mighty man of valor, who will lead a generation of spiritual warriors who will bring redemption to the hearts, minds and souls of the people of Canaan as they currently exist today.
Before the Lord returns all peoples and all nations of every tongue under the heavens will have individual and collective opportunities for redemption.
Eve shall be redeemed. Canaan shall be redeemed. Egypt shall be redeemed.
Who else will be redeemed?
Will you?
Power, Love & Peace, ya'll -
~Min. Deidre Campbell-Jones