It's Spittin' Time!
There is a full-blown epidemic occurring.
It is a spiritual epidemic. But its affects seem just as devastating in the natural.
This epidemic however, may not look like a epidemic from the perspective of our natural vision or consideration. But if we could take a angelic view of the matter, we might see how much spitting is really going on with Believers all over the world.
It's a "spitting epidemic."
I know or have heard of approximate 8 people over 5 different churches who have felt either dissatisfied, condemned and beat up or so spiritually dead at their churches that they have left that congregation. Some quickly attended other churches, and others did not. However, every last one of them has consistently felt the same way upon leaving: free; happy and spiritually content!
These individuals did not leave their churches to backslide into sin; nor did they leave and abandon their active relationship with the Lord. On the contrary. At least 3 individuals I know of personally have felt their relationships get closer to God. They continued to study, worship, praise and commune with God.
The biggest criticisms these individuals face is that they are either "church hopping" or forsaking the fellowship of the saints. Again, this is not so. The "church hoppers" found a congregation where they could be fed properly while worshipping in joy and peace. The "fellowship forsakers" are still looking for that place!
And while truthfully, 8 people does not an epidemic make, I am sure that if I could see all the people those eight people know, and those people that they know - well, like I said, if we could step back and see an angelic view of the whole matter, I am sure we would see an epidemic proportion of just exactly how many people have been spat, will be spat or wish they would get spit out of the mouths of their lukewarm churches.
It's a spitting epidemic.
Revelation 3:15-16 says, "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue (spit) thee out of my mouth."
It may be a stretch of an example - but I believe fired up and anointed Believers are being spit out of the mouths of their lukewarm churches all over the world.
At my church there is a Deacon who says he feels "cold water running down his body" when the anointing overwhelms him. And in fact, the Spirit of the Lord is frequently associated with "water" in the bible so I am not surprised that it feels like cold water to him.
Then of course, Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16 both say that Jesus will baptize us "with the Holy Ghost and with fire."
I believe this is why Jesus Himself says He would rather we be either hot or cold. The hot believers are baptized with fire and the cold believers are anointed by the Holy Ghost. And in every church that is not able to feed these Believers the meat they crave, or where they are being condemned right along with the unrepentant, undelivered "sinners-saved-by-grace," God is spitting them out and placing them with other hot and cold Believers.
It's spittin' time! Are you being spued out of your church or are you comfortable?
And while this may not be an accurate application of Revelation 3:15-16, here's a passage that is: Matthew 25:1-10 - "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut."
Up until this revelation of the spitting epidemic, I had seen this parable about the Believers ready for Jesus to return and unbelievers who are not. Not so!
1. Jesus is the Bridegroom and the church is His Bride, betrothed and awaiting His return to catch us up and carry us unto the wedding feast... right? Right. This parable is about the church.
2. Revelations 1 speaks to the "7 churches," these are represented by the 7 candlesticks in verses 12 and 13. Specifically, Revelations 2:5 refers the Apostle or indirectly the Pastor of a church as the candlestick that will be removed from "his" place if he has fallen and does not quickly repent.
When we think of a candle and candlestick or a lamp - we know it is a light that you follow in the darkness. So if the virgin is the church, and 10 virgins are individual churches; and the lamp is the pastor or head of that church, we then can conclude that the oil in the lamp is the anointing on the light and leader of that particular church.
All the virgin churches have oil. All their pastors were anointed. Some of the churches are prepared for the anointed to run out and refuel themselves for the new day - the new day in which the Lord will come again. He will not come in the old day.
But some of the churches only have enough anointing for the old day. They try to ask the other churches for some of their anointing, but it can't be given. The churches then, in desperation and a desire to not be left behind, go out when the anointing of their leader runs out. The church is in search of more anointing. The church is desperately trying to be ready, at the last minute, for the dawning of the new day.
But in the midst of their search, the new day dawns and the Lord returns, shutting them out from the wedding feast that has been prepared for the church that is ready without spot or wrinkle.
Believers make up the church, not the pastor. And just like the oil of anointing running down Aaron's beard to the hem of his garment, the anointing in the church runs from the head down to the body of Believers. True believers are realizing the anointing is running low and they are searching to fill their vessels before it runs out.
The only aspect of the parable that doesn't fit is that the virgins - the foolish virgins - don't make it back in time. Make it back!
Make sure you are not in a lukewarm church where the anointing is running out! Don't be a lukewarm, foolish virgin. Be as hot or as cold as you the Lord anoints you to be and the let Him spit out into the true and ready preparation of the marriage feast.
It's spittin's time, ya'll! Are you ready?