The Time is Soon -
A few things happened today that reminded me in the Spirit of a prophetic word I received back in 2010. It is one of, if not the first prophetic words I truly knew I received - and probably the first listed on this blog.
I say all of this keeping in mind Jeremiah 28:9 that says a prophet shall be known when the prophecy comes to pass. Clearly, the words I've written in the blogs: Prophecy for America 1 & 2 have not yet come to pass and therefore cannot be truly called prophecies - yet.
However, the time is soon.
Because of the message I heard, and the article I read today, I know in my spirit that the time is soon.
The blogs on this site - Prophecy for America #1 and #2 are actually descriptions of a double vision I had mid-year 2010. Since 2010, my memory has combined the two visions into one - and the last shall be first. In other words, when I remember the 2 visions now, the 2nd one comes first and the 1st one comes second - and they are combined as one single vision.
If you haven't read them already, check them out now.
Now here is the interpretation that has settled in my spirit over the years, and, it is the same one that flared up in my spirit today along with the thought "the time is soon."
I believe there will be a document that either President Obama will sign or
he wants Israel to sign, or both. It might be regarding peace or a step
towards what he thinks will bring peace. And President Obama will think he is
making the best possible decision for all concerned. However, this document
will not benefit Israel and Israel will not want it signed. Christians who love
and support Israel - especially those with any biblically prophetic insight about Israel - will not want this document signed. But it will look like
the President will sign it. It will look very bad and hopeless up until the
very last moment. But just at "crunch" time, the President will become baptized with the
Holy Ghost. New Revelation and the truth of God’s will and Word will wash over
him and it will change his decision regarding this document. It will also change his understanding
of support for Israel, and it will change his decision on a few other
significant policies that are “on his desk” for decision. President Obama is
NOT the Anti-Christ in case you didn't already know, but his actions just before his baptism will seem as though he is.
And the Father says, these things must needs be – even if
they do not look favorable – as they are key towards the coming of our Lord
Jesus. Now is the time of preparation for His eminent return. It is a deep and
powerful preparation that includes God’s Glory and Truth in a way Christians
have never fully experienced since the times of Jesus through Paul. The events to come will be the beginnings of a wave of the Holy Spirit throughout the world - waves of His power and Spirit far greater than any revival in history. These waves will be simultaneous, world-wide and sustaining - not fleeting - and will be evidenced by great signs, wonders and miracles that will affect the whole body of Christ through the work, ministries and lives of "everyday" Christians.
President Obama's baptism in the Holy Ghost will only be known by the reversal of his decision to sign this document - or have it signed. And his baptism will be the sign to Believers that the new and great waves of the Spirit will begin.
According to the message I heard today, there are soon coming "blood moon" eclipses in 2014. And the timing of the information in the article I read today, coincide with the first of those eclipses this year - in fact... soon. Passover, in fact. These events will mark the beginning of the negotiations between President Obama and Israel. I believe this will be the dawn of the visions I saw back in 2010.
Let this word prevail true, Lord - for the time is soon.