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This blog has been evolved several times since its inception. It started as a platform for a writer's musings Then it became a witne...

Monday, November 9, 2015

Prophecy for the Prophets

Not long ago I had a word for the Prophets and Prophetesses who are currently standing in the gap and doing the will of God through their office and gift.  I was able to text a few of the Prophets I know, and I put the brief word on Twitter.

But this word for the office of the Prophet still crops up in my spirit - and is longer and more detailed.  And now, as I've just recently received another word for ministers and leaders, I feel both are aligned and I must put them in writing for a larger audience and a wider audience potential.

Currently, the men and women of God who receive His oracles and His Word from His mouth to theirs - are under attack of the enemy.  These attacks are not your everyday, run of the mill attacks.  These are specific, individualized and severe attacks.

When I say specific and individualized, what I mean is that each one is being attacked in a way that is severe for that person.  One attack of a $1000 debt may not seem as severe as the well known prophet who is battling for his life.  Or one prophetess who is being attacked in several - even multiple - seemingly small areas all at once may be just as severe to her as is the attack on another well known prophet whose ministry is being bombarded with devastating lies and accusations launched entirely by the enemy.

Now, there are those who have walked in the office of prophet who have turned away from their calling, or fallen to depression or sin, or who are weak in their faith and their trial has been ongoing.  They are not the ones to whom I am speaking.  Their trials are a result of walking outside the will of God and the covering of the Lord.  They have left themselves open to the enemy and have been suffering the results for over a year now.  These prophets and prophetesses deliver a false, or hit-and-miss word that is labored to come forth.  They are struggling in the flow of their gifts in the ways they are used to flowing.

To these prophets and prophetesses the Lord says, "Repent.  Turn away from the temptation of sin.  Do not grow weary in well doing.  Weariness is a choice.  Choose instead to return to my word: My written word - the bible.  Delight in my Word and I will delight in delivering unto you my clear, untainted rhema word again.  Your own sin or weariness or the thorns and thistles of life are choking out my clear, untainted word - muddying it's truth, power and effectiveness.  Return to my Word, and return to my joy - for my joy is the strength of your life.  My joy is the strength of your word.  My joy is the strength of your ministry and My joy will be the strength of your prosperity in all areas of your life, your gift and in your victory over the enemy."

Then, there are also those who are called to the office of prophet, and know that they are, who either have rejected their calling or have warped their own calling through the ways of the world.  These are indeed not necessarily suffering from either an old trial or a new attack.  The enemy is quite comfortable with their choices regarding their calling and - he even keeps some of them deceived into thinking they are actually in the will of God, by staving off their attacks and possibly even bringing false blessings into their lives.  I am not speaking to these individuals as well.  These individuals are feeling good, possibly even blessed as well - but their word (if they give it) is false.  It is worldly advice.  "It is not of Me, says the Lord.  They are not even positioned to hear Me.  The enemy has them deceived and feeds them their words in a voice that seems as mine.  But he is a false light, a liar, the father of lies and there is no truth in him. Therefore, there is no truth in their words."

To these would be prophets and prophetesses the Lord says, "You too must return to my written word - the word of the Bible.  I have much to teach you about hearing from me but you will not learn the lessons from any other way but my written word at this time.  Do not turn away from your pastors in rebellion.  Do not turn away from my written word in rejection.  Yes, the Spirit of truth will teach you all things and bring all things to remembrance.  And yes, you have possibly been in the position to hear my word before, but there is a new time.  There has been a new shift.  And the enemy kept you deceived and you did not shift with my people.  But the time is not too late.  You can return to my word, learn of me through my word, through the pastor that I will give you from MY heart.  Trust me in this, at this time and you will be able to trust in receiving My true word once again."

And so, this word that I have now for the Prophet and Prophetess who has been in the word, who has been true to their calling and who have been true to the ministries God has given them - to these in the office of Prophet, "you are under an attack of the enemy, greater than you've known before, in direct measure of your ministry and the success of your word.  The enemy has seen the light of your rising and like Jezebel intent on destroying the word of the prophets by killing them, so too is the enemy attacking you to discourage, kill and choke out the true word of God in you.  These prophets are persevering in the fight - and fighting the good fight of faith.  Their rhema word remains true and clear - although some be labor to hear that word more than they ever have.

However, these you can know are under attack because their knowledge of my written word is as hit-and-miss as the prophets who have stepped out of My will, says the Lord your God.  You must take care not to mix law and grace at this time.  You must be careful not to mix false doctrine at this time.  You must take care not to preach from traditionalism particularly at this time.  And most of all, though your study is true and accurate - it was accurate for a prior dispensation of truth.  The enemy has used your mix to weaken your faith and he has slipped in through your weakened defenses, like a breach in the wall of protection around you.  My Word, My written word is a hedge of protection around you.  Now is the time to recheck and double check with ME, says the Lord your God, on the word you knew as true.  It is not that My written word and the revelation you had is false now, but I want you to come closer to ME and receive a fresh and deeper revelation of an even greater truth that is for this time and for this day.

I have shifted.  There is a new time.  And there is a new word for this time.  Do not be so fervent and stuck in your current truths; do not be too proud in your current speeches, do not be so entrenched in Social Media that that you speak a word of previous power that is no longer relevant to this shift in power, time and revelation to the church.  I, the Lord your God change Not. and neither does my Word.  But I have a length, breadth and depth of my word that you know not and the time is now.  Return to my written word, return to my study, return to intimacy with Me. I am a Jealous God and my name is Jealous.  And I am Jealous of your time on Social Media, saying what WAS true in me so passionately, or saying what was so passionately true in the church that was not completely of Me, instead of learning what IS now so passionate in Me for today.

Return unto me and your proximity to the bright light of My Glory once again will burn off the attacks of the enemy on your life and blind the demons that plague you so that they cannot even find you to attack any longer.  You will not have to fight in your usual manner, no hours of spiritual warfare prayer, begging Me in the spirit.  Just rest in my word, draw near to my Glory and let me fight these battles for you as you draw close to my written Word.  Then as you do, what you learn and what you study will prepare you for the shift I have waiting for you.  My daughter writing can attest this is true, says the Lord your God."

Oh... well, praise the Lord.  I had no idea of that last part.  But I just write what God gives me.  And yes, I have drawn closer to His word in my own trial and the attacks are falling away.  I do expect full victory, and the full manifestation of the miracle and breakthrough I've been praying for an have sown seed for. And so, I will receive this word as well, in Jesus name, Amen!

Please send me your testimony! For we overcome through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony... amen?  Amen!

~Pastor D

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I had a dream on Oct. 29th - if you've read my Twitter or Instagram around then, you have seen me make a reference to it.

In this dream I was driving on a kind of highway - the surroundings were a vague mix of the outdoors and a few indistinguishable man-made buildings.  There were 4 or 5 lanes of traffic.  I was towards the left, but not in the outer lane. There were several cars ahead of me in the lanes around me - except for the lane to my closest right.  Some were big cars, some not so big - mine was small, but there were 3 people in the backseat.

A push came, like a wind, but not a natural wind.  No one else was affected by it.  And it shifted me smoothly into the lane next to me with no other cars in it.

The car I was in represents my ministry; the people in the car are the leaders that will come along side me - and the shift into the empty lane is the direction my ministry is going.  The road in which we travel to get there will be in a "lane" no one else is traveling in - but it is still according to God's will.

In the interpretation of this dream, the Lord gave me this word for His Ministers and Leaders today who are in Him; following their calling and doing the true work of the Lord:

  • You are moving in the direction of God's will
  • You are following your purpose accordingly
  • You may be aware of a shift coming
  • You may be aware that there has been a shift
  • But that does not necessarily mean that you have been shifted
  • You may need a shift - in doctrine; purpose; administration; leadership or relationship with the Father.
If you do not seek a shift at this time, you may just hinder the greater purpose God has for your ministry.  You may find yourself always looking at the back-end of someone elses ministry who is ahead of you - moving to slow or swerving and keeping you from progressing.  You may even be in danger of an accident - if someone else stops in front of you.  I see the potential for ministries to fall like dominoes - like a 9 car pile-up - if ministers and leaders do not seek the shift God has for them at this time.

Do not be so comfortable in the direction and success of your ministry now that you are either fearful or distrustful of the shift because it doesn't match your traditional doctrines or denominational bureaucracies.

This is a time God wants His people - His 5-Fold leaders, and His ministers - to return to Him.
  • Return in relationship through personal prayer and communication. God is Jealous of Social Media at this time! Return to Him! Some of your ministries are swerving out of control because of the influences of Social Media! You are spending too much time there, and not enough time with the Father!
  • Then return to His Word.  God is giving fresh revelations.  Some of your teachings are based on traditional thought and understanding and the Father wants to weed these out of your understanding and elevate you to deeper truths for this dispensation in time.  Some of your teachings are based on a superficial study and understanding and the Father wants to tighten these up and bring you to a powerful revelation of what He wants to do in you, through you and your leaders at this time.  Some of your teachings are just plain false.  And now is the time to be brave enough, mature enough and bold enough to be re-teachable and admit the errors of your doctrine.
Are you ready to SHIFT?  Are you humble enough to SHIFT?  Are you confident enough to SHIFT?

I have already been shifted and look forward to more for the sake of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


~Pastor D

This is a stationary post.

Destiny's Journey

Some journeys are well traveled roads. Common, familiar and easy. We cruise along the path oblivious to the process as we habitually turn each corner, climb each hill and break each slope. Only to arrive, blink and wonder how we managed without incident or memory of the trip.

This journey - my journey - is not like that. This journey is one of reluctance, hesitance, unsurity, insecurity and yes, a moderate amount of fear.

As I open the window for you to view my progress, you will undoubtedly come to your own conclusion based upon the progress of your own journey - and your observations will be varied.

Some might say that I am making slow but steady progress toward a clear destination. Others may say that I am floundering and wandering aimlessly down a muddy road with too many directions to choose from.

I say my journey has just begun, although it started more than 10 years ago. I say I still have such a long, long way to go, although I am teetering on the precipice of completion. I say the journey has made me weary, leery and weak, although I trudge on with a strength and endurance that is beyond me. I say the path is muddy, with many obstacles, directions and difficulties still yet to come. However, my destination is clear - crazy, unimaginable, overwhelming and clear.

When this path first appeared it was like a hazy, dirt road on a foggy day. I peered at it without knowing what it was or where it was going - then tried to ignore it as inconsequential. When the path persisted I joked as to where it might lead, then still tried to dismiss it as a path not meant for me.

It was years before the view of the path cleared and I was able to see the destination more clearly. It was absurd to think that the reality of where this path could end up would be in a place far more outlandish than even my most absurd imaginings! OK, maybe - just maybe this path ended up in a very good place - but a place still not meant for me. Definitely not me.

Why not me? Who else but me, since I was the only one to see? Please, Dear God, not me! Yes, me. This path was meant for me.

And so I watched it, argued with it, denied it and tried to imagine a life without pursuing it.

Four - no five, has it already been five? Five years ago I accepted it. I stuck out a big toe like testing the cold water of a pool - then yanked my foot back like I so often would. I wrote about it, dreamed about it, and tried it on for size in the privacy of my dressing room of life. And by the way, I still watched it, argued with it, denied it and tried to imagine a life without pursuing it.

Three - sorry, I forgot - Four years ago I made up my mind. I packed my bags, said good bye to the sanity and sanctuary of friends and family who always had thought they understood me, and I took my first hesitant and frightened step.

In these last four years I have walked, sometimes trotted, but never quite run toward a goal I think is crazy. I have stopped, I have even sat down and I have wistfully looked back to a time when I did not know and could not see what was meant for me.

But I will not stop. I packed my bags (all my baggage), and made up my mind. Armed with nothing but 2 scriptures and a great deal of hope, I continue to trudge on driven by the surity that if - just if - I happen to arrive at this awesome, fearsome destination, it will be extraordinary, phenomenal and inconceivably wonderful. This destination...

A destination, a journey to a place that is called destiny. My destiny. Destiny's purpose in life. My God given purpose.

Sometimes while we travel, we see another driver, glance in that direction and never take note or give them another thought. Perhaps that is how you will see me.

Sometimes we see another traveler and something catches our eye. We may watch a moment, muse a moment or even briefly wonder... Then they continue on their own separate way and thoughts of them fade as quickly as they do. Perhaps that will be how you see me.

Other times we get caught in traffic, bunched up with drivers because of fate. And whether we cruise along peacefully or struggle with road rage, we share a community of progress, each with our own destination. Perhaps that will be how you experience me.

And on rare occasion on our own individual roads of life, we travel a path where we encounter another driver - seemingly traveling to the same basic place. At times they follow us and then we follow them. We may take note of who they are and what they drive - possibly even read a licence plate. We'll share a moment or even a long while - silently and separately together, with maybe a glance, a smile or a brief a wave of acknowledgement. Perhaps that will be how you experience me.

I cannot say how long this path will be for me, so whether you glance and move on - never to take notice; or whether you wonder a moment at who I am and where I'm going; or whether you follow a while, smile and wave or better yet, if you decide to stay for the journey, I invite you to come along for the ride.

Please click on the "Stuff From Before" link to Destiny's Journey to make your comments.