After prayer and fasting for three days, I went to sleep on the evening of the 3rd day and I saw in my mind's eye 3 black triangles each triangle in the shape of a crown and I heard the voice of the Lord saying: "3 kings; 3 kings."
Then I saw a line of people marching towards the 3 kings. And a swoosh like a wave came over the people and I heard the rushing of water - a splashing; a deluge of water like a wave over the people.
And the revelation of God came to me saying, "there are 3 kings of this world - the king of death; the king of destruction and the One True King of Life." And the kings looked like 3 points of a crown. And the people were marching towards the king of their choice and they split - some to the left: the king of death. And some to the right: the king of destruction and others marched towards the King of Life in the middle.
And when the wave of water flushed over the people as they marched, God said, "I am pouring out my Spirit upon them all, but only those walking towards life will receive that anointing."
Then God showed me in the vision of my imagination an eagle in its hideaway nest. God reminded me that the national symbol of America is the eagle. And He told me America IS that Eagle. She is not forgotten, forsaken or punished like the Israelites who chose for themselves kings of persecution. No instead, America is like the Eagle who has retreated and is secluded for a time to pluck its wings, sharpen its beak and claws, and renew its strength.
God showed me in great and vivid detail the Eagle painstakingly plucking out its own feathers revealing the pink, scrawny flesh beneath with tiny, frayed, scattered and ragged feathers exposed. And He, God Almighty, spoke to me as the Eagle plucked saying, "Thus sayeth the Lord your God - America is plucking its feathers. This time of great and devastating trial for individuals is a part of that plucking - businesses; the economy; housing; wall street and banking - systems and individuals alike - even Christians in the churches especially are being plucked.
And like the Eagle whose worst is exposed, its jagged ugliness revealed - so is America revealing its ugliness - seeming even to prefer it and glorify its worst by exposing the worst, wearing it on the surface of life and pulling out; pulling down that which ordinarily seems good. The worst is coming to people's lives and their good things; their comfort, security and best is being plucked from them.
And like the Eagle when his feathers are gone - even though he's plucked all the good feathers on purpose, the Eagle is not at its best. The Eagle cannot fly and cannot soar. The Eagle is grounded and weakened. The Eagle is exposed and in danger - vulnerable. And it must retreat to protect itself during this time of plucking and of great vulnerability.
So too will America be. So too will the individual be - exposing their worst as if it is preferred; exposed in their worst as if it is common. And the eagle, like America plucks its own feathers. The eagle, like America and like the individual do this to themselves. There is no one else to blame.
We do this to ourselves through the choices we make and the decisions we make. America and its leaders will begin to make more and more decisions we do not understand. More systems will fall. Churches will fall. Leaders will fall. Individuals - Christians and non-Christians alike will fall - for the wheat and the tares grow up together and God sends rain upon them all."
But God said to me that as the feathers begin to grow, the Eagle may still pluck them out. It is necessary for balance and optimum performance of the new feathers until finally, ultimately the Eagle will allow the feathers to grow. And like America it will grow strong and full of glory. And eventually the beak and claws will be sharp again. And like America we will be sharp and on top again. It is a pruning that is necessary.
And of the leaders, there will be a few which will be allowed to grow first. And of the churches there will be a few which will be allowed to grow first. Even the people represent feathers. And how we will grow back will be through those of us in the church - the Believers that remain faithful, praiseful and true in Christ Jesus. We who withstand these trials and go through them believing in Jesus, never wavering and never falling to sin - we will rebuild. We rebuild ourselves, we rebuild the churches, we rebuild America, we rebuild.
And like the Eagle's feathers there will be a few individuals who will be allowed to grow first. No Eagle's feathers grow all at once and immediately. Invariably there are always a few that emerge first and will be allowed to grow. Watch for the "firsts" in leadership, in the churches and in the people and then will all the systems, the churches, the people and America itself rebuild and be strong - strong enough to soar once again.
The word of prophecy from His humble servant on this day,
~Min. Dez