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This blog has been evolved several times since its inception. It started as a platform for a writer's musings Then it became a witne...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Living Visions

If you were to peruse the many lengthy posts, past the even lengthier permanent post and were able to some how piece together a chronology of truth, you might begin in April of 2008.

For two days I attended a Loral Langemeier business conference in Dallas, TX. NO ONE wanted to hear about my business choices: neither the business directory nor the "public speaking". They were steering me towards Graphic Design or some such thing.

Then upon meeting Loral I blurted out that I was going to be the Loral Langemeier of Christian Education. Good Lord! And my angst was more over saying such a dumb thing to Ms. Langemeier rather than where the heck did that come from?

But on the plane ride home I had my first ever vision and indeed did see myself speaking to masses of women. Women? Check out my non-profit and you'll see I've been primarily focused on teens! Where the heck did that come from?

So yes, I started that directory anyway and began researching the "public speaking" because I was going to do both, daggone it! And the directory led me to the Bishop who agreed immediately to be my mentor in "public speaking".

But still the vision persisted - and it grew! The details became clearer and crazier in my mind - but certainly clearer. And I kept them under wraps convinced I was nuts.

Then a prophet read my nutty thoughts and told them all back to me. Then the Bishop confirmed all those nutty thoughts and told them all back to me. Where the heck did all of that come from?

And so yes, I did my first speaking engagement at the Bishop's church - what a rush! I knew the Spirit of God had anointed me that night but still it was as if I was still saying, where the heck did that come from?

And I spoke again, and did a little something else, and I began teaching at the Bible College and I began pursuing a licence in ministry... hold up... yes, I did say minister's license. Now where the heck did THAT come from?

Somewhere along the way I had to admit that this was not just a career path and a really cool job - finally. Somewhere along the line I had answered and acknowledge just exactly where this was all coming from: God Himself.

I had been called. I had finally recognized the sound I had heard for so many, many years. Finally, every experience, every pain, every joy and every heart ache made sense - this was why: so that that I may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith I have been comforted of God. (2 Cor 1:4)

And I have had to transform myself through the renewing of my thoughts: I would like to be a minister; I am called to be a minister; I am working on becoming a minister; I am a minister elect; I AM A MINISTER of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

And now I must admit I am still being transformed by the renewing of my thinking: The Vision.
Yeah, that one - way back in April.

It's time ya'll... it's 'bout time to begin. It's time to be about my Father's business. Just as prophecies are meant to be told, visions are meant to be lived...

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This is a stationary post.

Destiny's Journey

Some journeys are well traveled roads. Common, familiar and easy. We cruise along the path oblivious to the process as we habitually turn each corner, climb each hill and break each slope. Only to arrive, blink and wonder how we managed without incident or memory of the trip.

This journey - my journey - is not like that. This journey is one of reluctance, hesitance, unsurity, insecurity and yes, a moderate amount of fear.

As I open the window for you to view my progress, you will undoubtedly come to your own conclusion based upon the progress of your own journey - and your observations will be varied.

Some might say that I am making slow but steady progress toward a clear destination. Others may say that I am floundering and wandering aimlessly down a muddy road with too many directions to choose from.

I say my journey has just begun, although it started more than 10 years ago. I say I still have such a long, long way to go, although I am teetering on the precipice of completion. I say the journey has made me weary, leery and weak, although I trudge on with a strength and endurance that is beyond me. I say the path is muddy, with many obstacles, directions and difficulties still yet to come. However, my destination is clear - crazy, unimaginable, overwhelming and clear.

When this path first appeared it was like a hazy, dirt road on a foggy day. I peered at it without knowing what it was or where it was going - then tried to ignore it as inconsequential. When the path persisted I joked as to where it might lead, then still tried to dismiss it as a path not meant for me.

It was years before the view of the path cleared and I was able to see the destination more clearly. It was absurd to think that the reality of where this path could end up would be in a place far more outlandish than even my most absurd imaginings! OK, maybe - just maybe this path ended up in a very good place - but a place still not meant for me. Definitely not me.

Why not me? Who else but me, since I was the only one to see? Please, Dear God, not me! Yes, me. This path was meant for me.

And so I watched it, argued with it, denied it and tried to imagine a life without pursuing it.

Four - no five, has it already been five? Five years ago I accepted it. I stuck out a big toe like testing the cold water of a pool - then yanked my foot back like I so often would. I wrote about it, dreamed about it, and tried it on for size in the privacy of my dressing room of life. And by the way, I still watched it, argued with it, denied it and tried to imagine a life without pursuing it.

Three - sorry, I forgot - Four years ago I made up my mind. I packed my bags, said good bye to the sanity and sanctuary of friends and family who always had thought they understood me, and I took my first hesitant and frightened step.

In these last four years I have walked, sometimes trotted, but never quite run toward a goal I think is crazy. I have stopped, I have even sat down and I have wistfully looked back to a time when I did not know and could not see what was meant for me.

But I will not stop. I packed my bags (all my baggage), and made up my mind. Armed with nothing but 2 scriptures and a great deal of hope, I continue to trudge on driven by the surity that if - just if - I happen to arrive at this awesome, fearsome destination, it will be extraordinary, phenomenal and inconceivably wonderful. This destination...

A destination, a journey to a place that is called destiny. My destiny. Destiny's purpose in life. My God given purpose.

Sometimes while we travel, we see another driver, glance in that direction and never take note or give them another thought. Perhaps that is how you will see me.

Sometimes we see another traveler and something catches our eye. We may watch a moment, muse a moment or even briefly wonder... Then they continue on their own separate way and thoughts of them fade as quickly as they do. Perhaps that will be how you see me.

Other times we get caught in traffic, bunched up with drivers because of fate. And whether we cruise along peacefully or struggle with road rage, we share a community of progress, each with our own destination. Perhaps that will be how you experience me.

And on rare occasion on our own individual roads of life, we travel a path where we encounter another driver - seemingly traveling to the same basic place. At times they follow us and then we follow them. We may take note of who they are and what they drive - possibly even read a licence plate. We'll share a moment or even a long while - silently and separately together, with maybe a glance, a smile or a brief a wave of acknowledgement. Perhaps that will be how you experience me.

I cannot say how long this path will be for me, so whether you glance and move on - never to take notice; or whether you wonder a moment at who I am and where I'm going; or whether you follow a while, smile and wave or better yet, if you decide to stay for the journey, I invite you to come along for the ride.

Please click on the "Stuff From Before" link to Destiny's Journey to make your comments.